Going on a structured walk where YOU walk your dog versus your dog walking you is super important. A controlled walk is more mentally challenging and fulfilling than an out of control walk. No excuses if you only have 10 minutes before you go to work. If you can’t make the time to walk your dog a lot of things aren’t going to square off in your human/dog relationship.
If your dog is allowed to stop and sniff, mark, lunge, bark, growl or even potty without permission, you probably have problems on your walk. Your problems actually start indoors.
Slow down your pace and make sure your dog is checking in with you. Make a lot of directional turns and request your dog pay attention. They have to think to stay with you versus a fast-paced power walk which, is more comfortable and easier for them. Teach focus work indoors to help. If your dog is reactive on walks correct the thought of reactivity. Sometimes before the “explosion” your dog will warn, alert and scan. Correct the looking away. Say “no” and give your “no” an actual value. Leash/prong correction or remote collar correction.

Not saying anything continues to be assumed by your dog, that this behavior is allowed. You will not stop reactivity or shenanigans on leash by just letting it happen or walking the other way. Some dogs scan and react from blocks away!
I have a prong collar video and it shows you how to size, introduce and use it to communicate. If you’re considering a remote collar get an experienced person to show you how to introduce it. The remote collar has been engineered completely different than any other shock collar from decades ago. Chances are if you bought an inexpensive one or one with few levels you will be training your dog with pain. Remote collars are not meant to be used for painful training. We teach with low level sensation paired with a regular leash.