Bella Trick o Treating
Dogs and Halloween
BOO! Hey you. I’m so glad you made it here! Halloween is coming up this month. It’s not a good idea to take your fearful or nervous dog outdoors if the heel or mindset is a mess.
1: Teach your dog not to pull on the leash.
First of all, Blow up props and costumes may scare your dog while you are out walking together. If your dog is pulling ahead on a leash, they are not focusing on you. The dog can concentrate on the surroundings versus walking calmly next to you.
2: No Free Roaming.
Plan on your door being knocked on a lot that night. If your dog doesn’t know the place command or can’t relax in a down until released, place that dog in the kennel and ask for quiet. A dog that is free roaming doesn’t have a job to do. Give the dog a task to focus on rather than pacing around increasing his anxiety. The crate will help encourage calm.
3: Dogs eating candy is dangerous.
Keep candy and plastic wrapping stored safely. A decent amount of chocolate ingested can be fatal. Again, kennel train your dog. Watch how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIvcne6ULnw
4. Do some training with your dog in preparation.
I have a video to help your dog wear decorative costumes. It’s also helpful to teach your dog to have a calm mindset indoors, therefore, creating a calm dog in all occasion including the holidays. Training your dog place command will help with the dog anxiety or fear.
Refer to safety tips in the holiday blog post https://familyk9training.com/surviving-fourth-july/
Lastly, it doesn’t matter where you decide to take your dog for the Halloween festivities, as long as everyone is safe. Set expectations of yourself to train your dog into trusting you as their leader in gentle situations first before setting out to conquer all the chaos.
Have fun for me!